Business Services

Cosmo can perform large and small jobs for businesses, government agencies and non-profit organizations. We look for opportunities to augment your company processes and procurement. Our customers rave about our quality, our ability to work within deadlines and the cost-effectiveness of our business services. CALL 306-664-3158

Cosmo-Sourcing gives companies the flexibility to utilize their employees to meet other production and service needs.  EMAIL FOR INFORMATION...

 A ‘jig’ is a production aid designed by our staff to assist participants in producing a top quality product. The simplest jig is one we use for counting, an egg carton. From two-handed debarking knives to cut-out chloroplast sheets (which aid visually impaired participants), custom jobs often require custom jigs. We’ve created jigs for producing tile displays, assembling hinges, and many more tasks. Test our ingenuity with a job for your company. 

Below is a partial list of links to companies who engage with our Business Services Program

Business Services Corporate Partners